Experiment - Season 1 Episode 5


Suddenly Kholmogorov’s lover appears to make a scene, but Klava finds the right approach to her and convinces her that the girl doesn’t need a relationship with a man much older than her. Kholmogorov sums up the outcomes of the experiment and realized that joint sessions with Klava have attracted a lot of new clients and helped solve all of his problems. Klava undergoes a complete makeover and shares her childhood dream of marrying a pilot.

  • Starring:Sergey Mardar, Natalia Parashkina, Alexandra Kulikova, Andrey Nekrasov, Anna Migitsko, Vasily Shchipitsyn, Yanina Lacoba, Sergey Yatsenyuk
  • Directors:Olga Kandidatova
  • Written by:Ekaterina Popechiteleva
  • Country:Russia

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